Bryon Carpenter

Secondary Teacher - Mathematics/Science

Bryon has been working as a Science and Math Teacher since 2009.  During that time he has taught Chemistry, Science, Math and Earth Science at Secondary Schools in Abbotsford.  Previous to becoming a teacher he was involved in research at AnorMED, a pharmaceutical company Langley, BC, as a synthetic organic chemist.  His team at AnorMED was conducting cancer and HIV thearapy research.  Bryon graduated with his Masters of Science from the University of Calgary in 2000 where he studied in organmetallic synthetic chemistry.  Besides his research at AnorMED he was also involved in the Science and Innovators in the Schools (SIS) program that Science World offered to school districts all over BC.  While doing SIS visits he discovered his enthusiasm for teaching and working with students.  Bryon's interest in teaching is sharing the significance of math and science with students and how these fields can be useful to everyday life.  Math and science may be overwhelming to some but Bryon hopes to help students shed their fears and embrace their own learning.  He enjoys woodworking, fishing, cherishes his family and values his friendships.