Blog Posts

Three students dressed in costume performing June 7 - Superintendent Newsletter Image
June 20, 2023

Abby Senior took the stage for the Bi-Annual Fine Arts Night

On May 25, Abbotsford Senior students took to the stage for their Bi-Annual Fine Arts Night. It’s a night dedicated to celebrating Arts Education at Abbotsford Senior - a night of music, performance, and art – a night to celebrate accomplishments, to thrive and flourish. 

Three students dressed in costume performing June 7 - Superintendent Newsletter Image
Group of students sitting at a table with teacher completing math game ATS - June 7 - Superintendent Newsletter Image
June 20, 2023

Focus on Student Success through Collaboration

At Abbotsford Traditional School we have a strong commitment to student achievement. Academic goals of improving numeracy and reading comprehension are two of our focuses. Aligning staffing with school goals is a sure way of keeping our eye on success. At ATS we have a middle Math Department head and a middle English Language Arts department head who work regularly with their team to talk about curriculum, instruction, and assessment to do our best to ensure that our students learn to the best of their ability.

Group of students sitting at a table with teacher completing math game ATS - June 7 - Superintendent Newsletter Image
Creative composition of pencil with small paper light bulb glowing above on green background iStock Image - Creative Writing
May 23, 2023

A Brighter World Through Writing

Aldous Huxley said that “words can be like rays. When they are used properly, they are able to get through anything.”

At Rick Hansen Secondary, I have had the great privilege of working to develop new Creative Writing courses that satisfy English credits for grade 11. For those students who love to read, are curious about writing and publishing, and need a creative outlet to express their thoughts, worries, and experiences in ways that are not visual—photography, visual art, theatre—Creative Writing 11 has become a haven.

Creative composition of pencil with small paper light bulb glowing above on green background iStock Image - Creative Writing
Highschool Students standing and looking at blue tractor Bakerview - Lets'emo:t Program
April 11, 2023

Classroom Reflection

When asked to reflect on a classroom, most of us will envision rows of desks facing a blackboard where a teacher stands. For decades, this image has represented the learning space for millions of students and yet excludes how we learn naturally and daily in non-school environments. True knowing and understanding mean being able to transfer knowledge from one setting to another. This requires a varied approach to teaching and learning, ultimately creating the opportunity for our students to explore their passions.

Highschool Students standing and looking at blue tractor Bakerview - Lets'emo:t Program
Group of students gathered on the floor CDG - Student Council
April 11, 2023

The Wolves Student Council

“When are we going to meet again?” Students at Chief Dan George Middle school are always eager to participate in our bi-monthly student councils. We have made it our mission to prioritize student voice by taking the time to listen and act on their thoughts and ideas.

Group of students gathered on the floor CDG - Student Council
A group of secondary students gathered for discussion Secondary_Student Voice2023
March 8, 2023

Activating Student Voice in Secondary Schools: A Few Dimensions to Explore

Over the last six months, our secondary schools have launched B.C.’s first-ever Student Community of Practice for Equity (SCOPE). Fifty-two grade eleven students, with teachers and school administration, are exploring a fundamental inquiry: What does it look like to center student voice and leadership through ongoing cycles of listening, uncovering, reimagining and, ultimately, moving forward with action?

A group of secondary students gathered for discussion Secondary_Student Voice2023
Students baking ASIA_Students baking
March 8, 2023

Nurturing Students’ Full Potential

We all know by now that education is not just about cramming information into students’ minds but about nurturing them in a way that develops young people to their full potential.  

Students baking ASIA_Students baking
February 2, 2023

Schoolwide Inquiry: Connections

Many Eugene Reimer school community members have deep roots in farming and agriculture in the Fraser Valley and beyond. Our catchment stretches across most of West Abbotsford’s agricultural areas, and many of our students and their families are involved in this industry. During last year's Farmer’s protests, we were reminded that even our students who live in the suburban areas of our catchment have strong familial connections to farming.

January 11, 2023

Abbotsford Middle School and our Global Family

Abbotsford Middle School is an International Baccalaureate school.  IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.  One of our primary goals is to develop Internationally minded students who recognize their humanity and shared guardianship, which is not difficult for us because we are a school of great cultural diversity.