About Us
AVS offers programs for all types of students, from Kindergarten through adult.
Cross Enrolled Online Secondary Courses Gr 10-12
Students attending other schools anywhere in BC can cross enroll to AVS and take up to two grade 10-12 courses online at the same time.
K-12 Fully Enrolled Programs*
Distance/Offsite Program K-12
- AVS offers fully enrolled at home programs. Programs are teacher supported and follow the BC Ministry of Education curriculum.
Home Based Learning (HBL) K-8
- AVS offers one full day of on-site classes on Wednesdays from 8:55 am - 2:00 pm. Classes run from second week of September to the second last week of June.
- Grade groupings (K-2, 3-5, 6-8) - space is limited to a maximum of 20 students
- Classes include a focus on STEM activities, PE and Fine Arts activities.
- Learning is enhanced by the opportunity to access technology, both “low tech” and “high tech”, such as iPads, hand tools, Keva blocks, Little Bits and the 3D printer
- Students have the opportunity to work within the whole class, in small group settings, as well as individually
Fusion Gr. 6-12
AVS is offering the FUSION Program for Middle and Secondary students. FUSION offers a blended learning environment incorporating the benefits of a teacher and classroom structure with the flexibility of online courses. This unique learning approach will provide students with essential tools in an ever-changing world. Open to full-time enrolled Grade 6-12 students, FUSION is a blend of online-based studies with two days a week in a classroom setting.
*Fully Enrolled- A student who is in Grade Kindergarten-12 who attends AVS as their main school in either the Fusion, HBL or Distance program, with a full course load. The main factors that define a student as fully enrolled are that the student is not, and/or will not be attending another school while attending AVS and that they are 18 or younger. Both onsite and offsite programs can be considered fully enrolled. *Grade K-9 must be fully enrolled to be eligible to attend AVS.
Graduated Adult Program (Upgrading)
Adult students who have graduate from high school can take, or retake grade 11-12 courses online to meet requirements for University Admission or employment purposes. These courses are usually free of charge.
Adult Non-Grad (Dogwood Grad Plan)
Adults who were close to completing their dogwood diploma can do so at AVS. These courses are usually free of charge.
BC Dogwood Diploma Information (80 credits/20 courses)
Adult Non-Grad (Adult Grad Plan)
Adults who have not graduated can complete an Adult Dogwood Diploma by completing 5 qualifying courses at the grade 11 & 12 level. (20 credits/5 courses)
Adult Dogwood Diploma Information - Students must be 18 or older to enter the Adult Graduation Program.
We Offer:
- Expertise of BC-certified teachers
- Courses that meet the BC Ministry of Education curriculum
Our Mission
Our mission is to "provide personalized learning opportunities to all students in a flexible approach". Abbotsford Virtual School celebrates and respects the rich diversity of its school community in an inclusive and supportive environment. Abbotsford Virtual School endeavours to empower students to:
- meet their educational goals,
- develop personal excellence, and
- engage in lifelong learning.
Our Motto:
Our Motto is “Success is Everywhere”. Make your choice today!