Parent Advisory Council

The PAC at Abbotsford Virtual School (AVS) meets regularly to discuss what’s happening at our school. The PAC’s role is to act as a voice for parents and to enhance our children’s education by supporting their learning endeavours through field trips, clubs, etc. Every parent who has a child enrolled at AVS is part of the PAC, however, the PAC Executive is made up of volunteers who take an active role in PAC-related activities such as fundraising and events.  The PAC Executive is made up of a PAC President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Committee guides monthly meetings and act as a liaison between the Principal, Teachers and Parents. The committee welcomes ideas, suggestions and comments.

The PAC Executive for the 2023-24 school year is:

  • President - Laurel Penner
  • Vice-President - Dawna Austin
  • Secretary - Vacant
  • Treasurer - Christina Lepp

In addition, the PAC, in collaboration with the Principal, supports ways to promote effective communication between parents and the school planning process. Meeting dates for PAC are:

Contact our PAC at and join our email list. Also, connect with us in closed group at Facebook (click here)

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