Graduation Planning
Regular Graduation Program
At Abbotsford Virtual School, we can help students structure their courses to lead to graduation. The BC Regular Graduation requires 80 credits (usually 20 courses):
Grade 10 - All students must take:
- English Langauage Arts 10
- a Math 10 (Foundations/Pre-calculus 10 or Workplace 10)
- Social Studies 10
- Science 10
- Physical And Health Education 10
- Career Life Education 10
- a Fine Arts or Applied Skills course numbered 10, 11, or 12
Grade 11 - All students must take:
- English Language Arts 11
- Science 11 or 12
- a Math 11 (Foundations 11, Pre-calculus 11 or Workplace 11)
- a Social Studies 11 or 12 course
- elective course (Grade 10, 11, or 12)
- elective course (Grade 10, 11, or 12)
Grade 12 - All students must take:
- English Studies 12
- Career Life Connections/Capstone
- three Grade 12 level courses
- elective course (Grade 10, 11, or 12)
- elective course (Grade 10, 11, or 12)
Note: All regular graduation prgram students will be required to take the provincial Numeracy and Literacy Assessments.
Adult Graduation:
The Adult Graduation program requires 20 credits towards graduation. To be eligible for the Adult Graduation (Adult Dogwood), the student must be at least 18 years of age, and must take at least three of their courses leading towards graduation as an adult.
- English Studies 12
- A Mathematics 11 or 12 course (could include Accounting 11)
- Three courses from a list that includes all Ministry-authorized grade 12 courses and Social Studies 11
Please check the B.C. MInistry of Education site for more information about the Ministry Graduation Requirements or for Adult Graduation Requirements.