Program Types- Overview

What type of student am I?

Fully enrolled/Full time AVS students and programs: 

Fully Enrolled- A student who is in Grade Kindergarten-12 who attends AVS as their main school in either the Fusion, HBL or Distance program, with a full course load. The main factors that define a student as fully enrolled are that the student is not, and/or will not be attending another school while attending AVS and that they are 18 or younger. Both onsite and offsite programs can be considered fully enrolled. *Grade K-9 must be fully enrolled to be eligible to attend AVS.

Cross Enrolled 

More information about Cross Enrollment

A student in grade 10-12 at another school who is taking an additional online course or courses at AVS at the same time.

Graduated Adult

Adult -graduated AND wanting to upgrade a course OR take an additional course(s).

Adult Non-Grad (Dogwood Grad Plan)

Adult-not graduated and completing Dogwood grad plan (20 courses in total - grades 10-12)

BC Dogwood Diploma Information (80 credits/20 courses)

Adult Non-Grad (Adult Grad Plan)

Adult not graduated and completing Adult grad plan (five grade 12 courses)

Adult Dogwood Diploma Information (20 credits/5 courses) - Students must be 18 or older to enter the Adult Graduation Program.

More information about Adult Programs


To register for any of the above programs click here!